Mini-Meeze has always been one of my nick names. I guess because my big brother is so much bigger than me? I don't mind though because humans are rarely mad at me but easily mad at him. Since my family is now sharing a blog The Cats P I will be sharing my Meezer Monday posts here with all of you! This means more time for me and other meezers, of course. Meowmy promised me that this will help her be able to keep up with everyone else's monday posts. So please promise you'll come visit me here on Mondays!!
Cheysuli is being very selfless and giving up golfing.
Merlin is staring in a tunnel movie!
Kimo is holding a cool new contest, go check it out!! Jump & Shout
Tavi was a very helpful meezer brofur when Tiki hurted his tail.
Miles girlfriend Sanjee sent him some awesome gifties for his birthday!
Storm is back on chemo after her low white blood cell count last week. She's also getting her favored treatment but more importantly- chickhen!
Poor Yao-lin has no pictures of himself!
Latte, we will definitely visit you here! We share a blog, and it's not that bad.
For example, I have to share my Meezer and Movie Monday post with my brother, but I'm the star of the video! :) - Merlin
We're havin' a contest (and fundraiser)!
Of course we will come visit you here!!!
i will definitely visit you here Latte! :)
Castle would like me to share a ain't happening though! xxx
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