Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday by Sammy Meezer

Happy 4th of July efurryone!!

I do not have a Meezer Rule posted on my blog today - we are dedicating the day to our Founding Fathers.

However, if you have a Meezer Rule leave a comment and we will feature it.

Here is a 4th of July Meezer Rule from Me - Sammy Meezer:

When the noisy things go off tonight RUN and hide under the bed. You can still plot Total World Domination from under the bed.

Dino and Egypt have a rule about dealing with your siblings


The Cat Realm said...

Happy 4th of July!
Good rule, cats can dominate the world from wherever they just happen to be!!!!

Anonymous said...

We have two sides of a Meezer Rule.

Yes, Total MWD can be plotted from anywhere.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Hey me and Mao have a meezer rule!!

Happy 4th July BTW - we don't even get a day off over here!! No fair!!