Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Happy Meezer Rule Wednesday efurryone!!!! Oh boy, I'm so happy it's Wednesday. Well, except the part where it will be about minus eleventy squillion degrees where I live. Which leads me to my rule for today:

Always make sure you look cold and pathetic when it snows out. (and sneezing helps) This will make the beans turn up the heat for you. Even when they are warm enough themselfs.

As always leave a link or a comment.

Over at Krasota Castle, an adorable baby boy asks about the rules of cuteness.

The beautiful Meezer Diva Casey has a rule about sleeping.

Tavi is giving his new bed some lovin.

Ellie is working out today.

Fiona the meezer bun is all about giving Daisy props.

Latte gives us good reason to open our mouths!

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