Sunday, December 30, 2007

Meezer Monday

Happy New Year!!!! What a year in the world of Meezers this has been. Do you find time goes too quickly? I know I do! I feel like this blog is still new but its been around for 6 months now!

(No idea why autolinkies aren't showing up.....Please leave a comment for us today.)

~ Latte (I have a post about reflecting on my special friends)

Cheysuli is keeping a close eye on Eye-o-Wa to see who her human opponents will be.

Merlin educates us all on the Pointed-Sphynx (this is what makes him a meezer as well as a Sphynx)

Tara is exploring up at her Mountain House in her cute sweater.

Miles & Sammy are ready for the New Year!

is celebrating her first New Years!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Check out some great facts on Tonkinese

Camie's Kitties have a great T13 about our relatives the Tonkinese!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Happy Meezer Rule Wednesday, my fellow Meezers.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and got lots and lots of pressies!

Remember to leave a comment or a link so that I can update throughout the day!

Here is my rule for today:

Always take the opportunity to hone your craft - such as, learning to whap things with your head in order to get more things to the floor faster.

Chey is keeping them guessing


Latte says it's important to snoopervise the lazy humans

Yao-lin is to speechless (and in tears) to have a rule today.

our newest member Merlin has a rule about looking cute. He's learning fast!

One of the gorgeous Russian Blue kittens from our honorary Meezers at Krasota Castle has the right idea of letting the world revolve around you.

Tiki has a great rule about interlopers!

Little Phoebe's rule is to help her mommy eat!

Speaking of eating, Miles has a rule about how to eat properly. if you can understand it.

Over at Cat Crossings Midnight warns us to beware of deja vu

Sweet Caroline is feeling all better and has a rule about the flasy box!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Meezer Monday

Merry Meezer Monday to all!!! As I'm sure you can all understand its Christmas Eve and we have people over so we won't be able to update for you today. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday and enjoying all of the goodies and trees and whatever traditions your fambly does or does not have. We are in fact a multi-religion fambly as Meowmy is Jewish and the Toy Man is a real live Quaker (yes they still exist!). So Happy Holidays to all of our Meezer Friends!

And don't forget to welcome our newest Meezer- Merlin! Merlin is a pointed Sphynx and Dragonheart's new brother. Welcome little Merlin!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

**UPDATE: Our lovely Meezer Friend Caroline is feeling under the weather and has been to the v-e-t. Please stop by and give her some cheer!

My, how time has flown! It's Meezer Rule Wednesday again! 7 more days till Santy Paws comes to visit! This is an important week to be good and follow all of the Meezer Rules! If we do, then Santy Paws is guaranteed to leave us lots and lots of pressies!!

My rule for today is:

If you don't think Santy Paws will leave you pressies because you may haf been bad, a few extra snuggles, nuzzles, headbutts or kissies on your mommy will probably change his mind.

As always, leave a link or a comment and I will update the list.

Latte is in the holiday spirit - going for the goodies!

Miles has an embarassing rule

Meezer Bun Fiona has a rule about memes

Casey, the lovely Meezer Diva has a rule about inspecting everything

Tara, the beautiful Princess Meezer, claims all boxes property of Meezers

Chey has a great rule about accepting awards

Baby Mao is into hollering at his mom too!

Yao-lin is the master of destruction

Pebbles offers a wonderful meezer rule from 1990!

Also, the Cat Crossings gang has a special Meezer Rule for Caroline!

Our lovely Russian blue friend Alexi has a royal rule!

Scout has a great rule for the humans about ribbons and bows!

our new friend Tiki joins us this week with a great rule about crocheting!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Meezer Monday

First of all thanks so much to Sammy & Miles for filling in last Monday. Meowmy was useless to us all. She's back today! So how were your weekends? Lets see some pictures of your meezertude!

~Latte (I'm freezing and avoiding being nibbled to death)

****Special Meezer Monday post by Storm the Furry Fighter****
She is a year in remission of her lymphoma!

Miles had a visit from the man in the bloo parka (instead of shorts) and it was from the Hotties!!

Cheysuli show her beautiful self in front of the tree (and while you can all gaze upon her beauty remember she is my wife!)

Pyewacket found the perfect gift for herself!

Casey is simply adorable!

Junior has a sensitive tummy and his Meowm is worried.

Tara & Kavan announce the aliens have returned!!!

Sia is rooting for her football team.

Yao-lin is very festive and regal at the same time.

Baby Mao needs a cuteness warning with his festive outfit!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Meezy Christmas from Santa Paws

The crazy meezers would like to wish all the wonderful meezer bloggers a very Meezy Christmas. We hope you have all be very good and Santa paws will bring you lots of goodies!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Meezer Bloggers!

We have a bunch of new friends over at camie's kitties and a cool woofie too! But what is especially exciting is our first two Tonkinese Meezers! Thanks of course to Miles and Sammy who helped us discover them.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Happy Meezer Rule Wednesday!! I hope that everymeezer is doing well and does not have bad weather to deal with!

Can you believe it's only 2 weeks till Santy Paws comes? I am trying to be good. Kind of.

As always, leave a comment or a link and I will update the rules throughout the day.

As for my rule, here it is:

If you have to whap, you have to whap, and Santy Paws should understand!

Miles has a rule about getting attention. like he doesn't get enough.

Chairman Mao has a rule about keeping watch over the evil intruder stuffed Meezers

Chey has assimilated the Borg!! MEEZERBORG!!

According to Casey even if yours isn't the only picture on something, it's still all yours

Young Kavan is going to give me some serious competition in Olympic Whapping. When the mom is away, the Meezers will whap!!

Latte has some awsome advice on how to care for a sick human

The Russian Blues at Krasota Castle have the right idea about whispering and roaring

Yao-lin is a master at blaming his brother

Everyone at Cat Crossings, the esteemed founders of Meezer Rule Wednesday, has a rule about napping spots.

Caroline is absolutely right - she should get her own tuna sandwich

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Meezer Monday

Sorry Meezer friends, we just can't do our job today. Maybe Sammy or Miles can help out?


Latte buddy - We will certainly step in and help you out! Feel better soon LattesMom!!

- Sammy and Miles

Speaking of Mommies, I haf a warning for mine

Casey is showing off her gorgeous fur coat

Chairman Mao is sending out purrs to his girlfriendcat Ariel (who has to go to the v-e-t)

Cheysuli is MAD MAD MAD, and Oprah is dead to her.

Cato is also stirring things up in Iowa

Tara got some awsome secret paws stuff! Maybe she will share with Kavan!

Junior got a new fev-ver wand!

Princess Sia is having a snuggly Meezer Monday

Scout has a story about one who came before

Castor and Pollux are tussling experts!

Yao-Lin is showing off his gorgeous blue eyes and wonderful voice in a great video

Castle is a wonderful meezer mancat

JellyBean shows off her one eyed fishies!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Meezer Contest!

Our great Meezer friends in Australia are having a give away contest. You have to go check it out because you can win one of my favorite Puppia Harnesses and a cool personalized bowl!

Crazy Meezer


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Happy Snowy Meezer Rule Wednesday fellow Meezers, Meezer Buns and Meezer (Russian) Blues. I hope that all of your holiday planning is going well. We had a foot of snow at Meezer Castle the last two days. Then Meezer Mom fell on porch coming in from shoveling snow and now she can't bend her knee. I think she's just being a wuss. So, my Meezer Rule for today is this

"snuggling with your bean when they hurt themselves is a good thing, until the start to drag it out for sympathy or they turn into a wuss. Then you must resume your normal annoying behavior" - Sammy Meezer

As always, please leave a link or a comment and I will update your rules throughout the day!

Miles does not have a rule today because he is thinking of going on the lam.

Chey is a wonderful friend again this week, going to bat for Yao-lin, who is not being treated like royalty.

Latte is king of catching toys

Scout tells us that it's location, location, location when hunting for napping real-estate

Tara is making sure that Kavan doesn't get into her mail. Also, isn't that like a law?

There's way too much cuteness at Krasota Castle as they share the mommy responsibilities

Egypt, Maxie and Midnight actually have rules about the weather!!

Yao-lin can at least rule the water in his house.

Monday, December 3, 2007

New Meezer Blogger!

Everyone please go give Phoebe a warm welcome! She's a new kitten on the block and just started bloggin!

Attention all Meezers!

(Please scroll down for Meezer Monday, Meezer Rule Wednesday, and other Meezer news)
****UPDATED 12/29/07****

Help A Meezer

Sammy & Miles Meezer who are our very dedicated SS reporters who keep track of Meezer Rule Wednesday and many other things here on Simply Siamese are in need of some ham money. Well, their Mommy & Daddy are desperately working to get new steady jobbies but are having difficulties so the Cat Blogosphere is helping out! If you go here you can get all of the details on donating to help Miles and Sammy. Really any amount can help and will be much appreciated!

Project H.A.M

Cheysuli is busy with an auction of her wedding jewles to benefit project HAM.

$1 will be donated to HAM for every entry in the Fur Sibling of the Year Contest. You were going to enter that anyway right? Baby Mao, you'd better or Yao-lin will get MAD.

Kashim & Othello are auctioning off some jewelry for HAM.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Meezer Monday

Happy Meezer Monday! Today is pesky because Meowmy has to do "billing" so I'll update as much and as fast as I can!

~Latte(busy weekend and red mouse hunting)

Miles looks smashing in his little hoodie!

Chairman Mao is filling up his box of life.

Cheysuli is on the cover of People!

Kevil is taking the place of Kimo!

Casey is sleeping in her cat bed staying as warm as possible.

Tara is certainly a princess but is Kavan fit to be a prince?

Baby Mao gives proof that Yao-lin loves him a lot.

Scout tells a story about the one who came before and her love of live fishies!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Happy Meezer Rule Wednesday everycat!!! I just love Wednesdays - it's a great day for learning lots of things that will make our goal of total world domination easier!

So, you know the drill, leave a link or a comment, and I will update throughout the day.

So, my rule for today is this:

If you are bored with the usual annoying things you do to your beans while they are trying to sleep, laying over their heads and licking your lips every 30 seconds will put that ZING back into your annoying habits. For some reason, smacking your lips is really really annoying to the beans.

Chey is a wonderul friend!.

Latte meant to do it, and it looks like fun to me!

Scout is absolutely right - unattended leftovers are free for the taking.

Fiona, the Meezer Bun, is a wonderful friend!

Princess Tara knows that the grass is greener on her own side of the fence!

Our friends at Krasota Castle are lamp-bathing

Yao-Lin has the right idea in claiming everything as his.

Resistance is futile at Cat Crossings! - The ULTIMATE Meezer Rule

Caroline is reciting Shakesp...... shakesph....... The Bard..... from her table.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Meezer Monday

Hello and welcome to Meezer Monday! I hope you all enjoyed taking some of your rightful turkey over the holiday weekend. I myself find the leftovers better as they seem to be more freely given. Anyhow....back to the important stuff like what all the meezers are up to today! Again, Moewmy the lazy bean, will be behind in "work" so we'll update as soon as we can. I have tried firing her but she just won't leave. So I'm trying to work with least for the time being. Sigh..

~Latte (I'm rather boring today but cute. Well..I'm always cute I suppose.

Cheysuli has a new I Mac! She has that man well trained.

Sia has a naughty meezer monday!

Casey is raising her paw for the MEOW Foundation (well all 4 paws really!)

Chairman Mao is Man Catting it up with the 7 Things Meme.

Sammy & Miles are sleeping off their turkey hangovers while dreaming of their lovely girlfriend cats.

Kimo is obviously quite cold and hunkering down for winter.

Junior is surfing the net at high speeds at home!!

Tara & Kavan are having more fun at their Mountain House hunting some more creatures. And Kavan tried to escape!!!

Yao-lin is quite festive!

tells a story of Thanksgiving past and the One Who Came before.

Storm is looking might mesmerized but doing quite well.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Happy Day before turkey day Meezers!! It's Meezer Rule Wednesday! I am Sammy Meezer and I will be your tour guide today!

Please leave a link or a comment and I will update with all of your rules!

My rule for today - make shur that you take time over the holiday to just sit on your beans and purrrrr. it will make them happy. it will make you happy. AND, you might get some extra treats like turkey!!

Miles meant to do it.

Meezer Bun Fiona gets the first bite of lettuce. It's a rule.

Our honorary Russian Blue Meezer kittens demand turkey and or ham for Thanksgiving. It's a rule.

Meezer Diva Casey has a great rule about complaining when you are rudely awakened.

Latte says to bring a sibling to the v-e-t with you

Candidate Chey tells us to always acknowledge those who out perform you.

All bags belong to Chairman Mao. It's a rule.

Princess Tara reports that while curiosity might not kill you, it MIGHT get you singed fur. Kavan.

Scout says that anything that is being batted around or in her mouth is HERS. It's a rule.

Dino is always using the Meezer advantagess. Because, you know, it's a rule.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Meezer Monday!

We didn't even notice that last Meezer Monday was our 100th post here at SS! Give us your linkies and we'll do the round-up! I'm also working hard at reviewing that cool book. As far as I can tell its the closest I've seen to a human training manual. Review to follow at some point this week!

~Latte- I'm enjoying a nice snuggle pin down with my Meowmy.

Those Crazy Meezers teach us how to deal with hot weather (don't we wish we had some?!)

Cheysuli thinks they've found the cluprit!

Casey is enjoying some of Donny's catnip mice.

Pyewacket has a great little video.

Dragonheart has a picture of his new meezerly brother (he's a pointed sphynx) that will be coming to live with them soon.

Miles was attacked by the flashy box while sleeping. Don't we all know how that goes? Keep purring for his mom's interview!!!

Kavan is raising his paw for his favorite cause! And Tara is raising hers too.

Cato is the luckiest cat in the world.

Sia had a nice relaxing weekend.

HRH Yao-lin does an interesting meme.

Storm had to go back to the VET but he gave her some nice pain meds.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Cool Dressed Up Siamese Calendar for a Cause!

I got this e-mail last night and figured I'd pass it along here. I mean, with Skeezix & Yao-lin and the rest of our fabulous dressed up meezers I figured this is fun!

The 2008 ‘Iconic Women By Yoshi’ calendar features a beloved Siamese dressed up as some of the world’s most famous women. Icons include Audrey Hepburn, Oprah Winfrey and Princess Leia. 100% of profits from all calendar sales will be donated to the BCSPCA. More ‘By Yoshi’ products will be added to the website in the coming weeks, along with other fun and friendly animal-related items. Worldwide shipping is available and web visitors are invited to sign up for the newsletter.

“Yoshi thrives on being the chief catnip winner of the family, so becoming the star of her own internet dynasty suits her diva personality perfectly,” says Stacey. “I’m content to be her food lady, litter box maintenance crew and tuna can opener while she saves the animal kingdom.”

Check out the website at

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Book Review

We at Simply Siamese are tickled pink (seal, or chocolate, or blue, or flame, or....?) that we've been requested to review a new book! Well its not really a new book, but a book commemorating the 200,000th copy of Suzy Becker's All I need to Know I Learned From My Cat (and Then Some) The Book. So Meowmy just got a copy in the mail and she's going to read through it and write a review!! How cool that the publisher wants to know what we Meezers would think of the book. To start with there is a quiz at the front that all humans should rate a "2" on.

More to come but we just think its cool we were asked to review a book!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Hello Meezers - sorry this is late! Today is Meezer Rule Wednesday and I am excited to see all your rules today!

Here is my rule to start with

When your mom is too busy to help you post, put the bitey on her!!

As always leave a comment or a link and I will update during the day!

Miles knows the value of a good detective

Latte has a good lesson in doing the things a Meezer does best - Investigate

The lovely Casey knows when to get going!

Veronica, one of the lovely Russian Blue honororay meezers, has a perfect rule about food

Scout has a great rule about Hissy fits!

HRH Yao-lin is giving the laser eyes in his rule today!

The lovely Caroline is right- if she says it's a meezer bird, it's a meezer bird!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Meezer Monday

I'll start and say that I am being friendly and I don't think its going away any time soon! Oh, and Kaze is shoulder-surfing which is interesting I suppose.

Check out the pad that we at Simply Siamese sent Storm and Castle for winning the Halloween Contest!

Cheysuli is continuing the political woes of the "whapping" incident.

Pyewhacket is busy driving a really cool car!

Chairman Mao is handing out the smile awards.

Kimo isn't sharing HIS new bed. Makes sense to me!

Sammy & Miles are still investigating the strange wetness thing. And their Mommy has a job interview with technical test thingies and needs our purrs! (She'll do great of course!)

Casey has a half hidden meezer monday.

Junior's Mom starts her new jobbie today!! This is VERY exciting for them both.

Meezer Mirror has sweet little Phinney in his new home.

Tara & Kavan have a meezer movie monday!

Scout reminds us that family is important.

Sia has a biscuit making question for us all.

Yao-lin is enjoying his nip banana that we sent *cough* Baby Mao *cough* for his Halloween Contest entry. While poor Baby Mao hasn't even been able to sniff it.

Castor & Pollux remind us just how HARD it is to be a kitten.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Good Morning Meezers! Welcome to Meezer Rule Wednesday. As always, I am Sammy Meezer, and I am here to guide you through the Rules.

Please leave a link or a comment below

To start us off, my rule for today is:
When your bean is sleeping, and it's too freaking cold in the room, make shur that you stick your paws out in the cold air for a bit, then put them on your bean's face (or tummy if you are that brave). As I always say, it's all about payback.

Miles has 2 rules today - one about Peace (it's Blogblast for Peace Day!) and hometown Heroes (Godspeed Pam Melroy and the crew of the Discovery)

The lovely Meezer Diva Casey, our Presidential Candidate Chey, and Princess Tara and Kavan are also celebrating Peace Day.

Latte has a great rule about guarding your toys! very important!

Scout has a great rule about beating the beans up and down the stairs.

Caroline has found the perfect scapegoat!

Midnight over at Cat Crossings, has a rule about waiting for dinner!

One of the honorary Russian Blue Meezers at Krasota Castle has found some great packaging.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Meezer Monday

Its Meezer Monday again!! Leave us your linkies!

I'm sorry but Meowmy had a doctor's appointment this morning that took 2 hours when it should have taken 15 and then she had a big meeting at work so we're trying to catch up as soon as we can.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Contest Winners!!

(Don't forget Meezer Rules Wednesday Below, its a great week!)

After MUCH deliberation by our judges Latte, Sammy & Miles, Cheysuli, the Crazy Meezers, and Casey we have come to our decisions.

First of all, we were overwhelmed by how many fabulous meezer entries we had! Good job my friends. It was SO hard to choose a winner and most of the judges were all over the map with who they voted for. However in the end 2 clear winners did emerge.

  • 1st Place: Storm & Castle's Group Entry: Bride of Meezerstien. This was by far the most popular vote and it was mentioned by most of our judges. Fabulous work! Storm and Castle win a fleecy pad from Siamese Rescue and a Nip Banana.
  • 2nd Place: Baby Mao as the Skunk! What a fabulous sport he was to dress up. Baby Mao (and of course Yao-lin by proxy) wins a Zoom Groom and nip Banana from Siamese Rescue.

Other popular entries were Ninna (a close 3rd), Baggy, Kaze, Pyewacket, Yao-lin, Rue-Rue, Cheysuli, and Tamra Maew.

We had so much fun with this contest and hope you did as well! Please visit Skeezix's blog tonight to see all of the winners.

Would the winners please e-mail us your addresses? Simplysiamese AT gmail DOT com As soon as your prizes arrive from Siamese Rescue we will mail them out to the Yoo-Kay. Quite an International bunch we are!


Meezer Rule Wednesday

Hello everyone! Welcome to Meezer Rule Wednesday - Halloween and Road Trip Edition!

I am currently on our virtual road trip with Lucky the Meezer Pug and a whole bunch of kitties from all over the Blogosphere! And my brother.

Last week we had an awsome Meezer Rule Wednesday! I hope this week will be at least as awsome!!

My rule for today is When you fall off the back of the couch, it's wise to immediately jump back up and kick the person sitting there in the head. Because really, they had to have pushed you, right?

As always, leave your link or a comment and I will update throughout the day.


Miles has advice on how NOT to refuse your dinner

Latte has a very important Halloween Rule

Nicky over at Krasota Castle also has a great Halloween Rule!

The lovely Meezer Diva Casey has a great rule about claiming the stuff you want

MaoMao has a wonderful and informative rule about when to turn on the red laser eyes

Storm has a rule that our mommy knows all too well about what to do when you don't get your medication! (Grampa Norton used to do the same thing!)

Scout's rule about drinking from glasses is another great one!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Meezer Halloween Parade

Here are all of the Halloween contest meezer entries for everyone's viewing pleasure. Voting is being organized as I shiver myself to death! This is in the order from latest posted to first posted. Enjoy!

Tamra Meow ain't afraid of no ghosts!
Skeezix the Yaba-Daba-Doo
Ninna Mama's wee one
Storm & Castle (individual entries- so there are 2 separate entries)
Yao-Lin as Phantom of the Opera
Cha-Ching in the Furballs entry
Pyewacket as the Star Wars Princess
Rue-Rue as a witch with a Prince
Luxor as Goth Guy
Junior Firecat
Storm & Castle (group entry)
Kaze the Mermaid
Chairman Mao the leprechaun
Cheysuli the Sleuth
Baby Mao the Skunk
Super Meezer Latte
Baggy the Devil

And every cat!!! Don't forget to vote for viewers choice!! The instructions on that are on the Halloween Contest main page.

OK, I think that's all! Enjoy the parade and don't forget Meezer Monday Below. Winners will be announced on Halloween (or whenever Skeezix says so since its his contest)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Meezer Monday

Leave us your linkies and we'll keep a running tab on Meezers today. If you want to be featured on Meezer Monday, please send us some pictures and a brief bio of yourself.

Sammy & Miles show our first Meezer Dog- a pug!

Chairman Mao is doing another Man Cat with Brainball his wonderful Big Brother!

The Crazy Meezers got a new harness and went outside!!! Cool. Puppia harnesses rock.

Casey is playing gate-keeper which is one of her most favorite things to do!

Kimo is trying on some strange article of clothing....I think they may be getting a burpy thing!!!! A pink one!

Latte wonders why humans can't understand the need to poo in a clean litter box.

The Meezer Brothers have names! Castor & Pollux. Great choices!

Sia has been doing lots of lizard hunting.

Cheysuli had a busy weekend and also answers the Cherish Meme for Miss Peach. She even gives away something sweet that she does to the humans.

takes on another job: Professional lap dancer, presidential candidate, and now pet psychinc to the stars!

Mao really has some interesting ideas on snuggling with Skeezix.

Tamra Meow has a great movie about her ghost hunting!

Big Piney Woods have a two-fer Meezer Monday.

KoKo is dressed up!

Junior's mom has a new jobbie!!! Yeah!!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cherish Meme

Alexi (one of our Russian Blue friends) tagged us for this lovely Cherish Meme. As I'm not usually the most affectionate of cats I figured I'd give it up in honor of the lovely Miss Peach. So I (Latte) will share the inner most secrets of my sweetness. Sigh...this is hard!

Miss Peach, all of us here at Simply Siamese loves and are purring for you and wants you to get well quickly. Our beans are praying for MamaKarla and LapDaddy!

1. tell us what is the most sweetest warm thing you will do to your mommy (what is the sweetest thing that your kitty will do to you)

So sometimes when Meowmy is sleeping I want to snuggle really closely to her and purr. I get within an inch of her nose and I purr so softly that just my little breaths from my nose can be felt on her cheek and a soft little rumble in her ear.

2. And, hug your mommy, tightly... (and, hug your kitty....tightly...)

OK, on occasion I can stand a nice hug. I'll hug Meowmy tonight (if I have to).

3. Tag your good friend...

Obviously if we could we'd hug ALL of our friends but we're going to start with Sammy & MIles who do a lot of work here with Meezer Rules Wednesdays and keeping everyone up to date on news.
4. Leave your computer, and continuing hug each other...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween Contest Ending soon....

We've had tons of GREAT meezer entries thus far in Skeezix's Halloween Contest. We're NOT looking forward to choosing one winner but we're having a blast with all of the costumes. Don't forget the entry deadline is Sunday 10/28! After that we'll all get together for a super secret e-mail meeting and decide on the winners of our Meezer category.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

New(ish) Meezer Bloggers!

You will all know these two brothers as they are 2 of Stella's kittens. They're in their furever home now and have started their own blog. Lets all welcome them!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Hello everyone and welcome to another Meezer Rule Wednesday! Sammy Meezer here to help you navigate the myriad of rules!

To start us off, here is my rule for today:

When finding a place to relax always make sure you pick someplace that has something else on it already, so that you an whap it to the floor first.

As always, sign in below or leave us a comment and we will update the rules!

Miles has a rule about choosing the right girlfriendcat

Latte has a rule about investigating strange things that show up at your house

For all you show cats out there, our Russian Blue friend Alexi has a rule about how to act during a cat show

Meezer Diva Casey tells us all to get the toys first!

Look for Sleuth Chey in the near future!

Pyewacket owns all the toys in the house! (so do I).

the lovely Princess Tara reminds us all how to treat the beans who leave us for vacation

Scout is whapping things around - because it's a Meezer Rule!

Egypt's brother Maxie demonstrates a great hunting rule!

Caroline wants to know why she doesn't have cable on her TV!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Meezer Monday

Today our featured Meezer is Casey the Diva Meezer. She is the sisfur of Marie & Donny and lives in Canada. She has some really pretty fluffy meezer furs that make her very special. Casey likes socks. A lot. She's certainly 100% meezer!

I'm really sorry about not updating today but the Chip Man needs Meowmy to hold his hand today at the doctor's office so she doesn't have time. So sorry, hopefully she can update it all tonight even if its late! ~Latte

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Kimo has awarded the Simply Siamese site with the I love your blog award. This is so nice!! Thank you so much Kimo!!

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Bonjour Meezers!!! I learned French yesterday, and as you can see, I am fluent already!

Welcome to Meezer Rule Wednesday! I am Sammy Meezer, your tour guide for the day.

I will start us out with a rule of my own.

When the 'fridgerfrator door opens, it is your duty to inspect all contents, even if it means pulling the shelf off the door.

Leave me a comment and I will post your rule. Have a Meezer Day!

Latte gives us a rule on how to react to humiliation

Annie tells us what you think you can do when you drink!!

Meezer Bun Fiona has a rule about getting things ferst when DKM comes home

Kimo has a great rule about pointing things out to your brother! OH, and he gave us an award which will be posted tomorrow!!

Chairman Mao has a rule about getting rest

Casey. the lovely Meezer Diva, has a great rule about distraction

Napoleon has a great rule about denying everything!

Chey (who has been assimilated by the Borg while visiting Miles and I yesterday, um, sorry - sometimes that happens at our house) says "resistance is futile".

Young Kavan has a rule about impressing the ladies (that does not include the use of toxic farts).

Dino is laying down the law in his house about bed time

Yao-lin gives great advice on how to deal with Dread Pirate Blogger.

Caroline can make her new brother invisible

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Meezer Monday

Meezing? Meeze us a line and we'll compile the list!

We have our Judges!
1. Latte
2. Cheysuli
3. Sammy & Miles
4. Crazy Meezers
5. Casey

Thanks for the volunteers!

Sammy is looking mighty handsome and the boys are handing out the sweet award.
Cheysuli is working on Blog Action Day and talking about the Environment.
Chairman Mao is sharing another Monday with his Mancat brother and a nip banana.
Casey is enjoying her beautiful new Gizzy Quilt!
Kimo is just hanging around like any good meezer should.
Tara & Kavan have a new scratching post that their Dad had to put together. Boy those slaves are well trained in their house!
Latte is working diligently on his begging look. Things seem to be going well for me!
Storm is growing her whiskers again!!!
Junior is enjoying a thank you note from Daisy.
Mao has some interesting snuggle positions for Skeezix.
Kaze is dressed up as a mermaid for Halloween.
HRH Yao-Lin is scarfing something tasty from his human slave.

P.S. Features will resume next Monday!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Panel of Meezer Judges Being saught

********Please Meezers, we need 3 more judges!! Anyone can volunteer!*******

How are your costumes for the Halloween Contest coming? Remember its for all cat bloggers but our sponsored category is for meezers and other cats dressing up as meezers. For the Halloween Contest I am not very good at making tough decisions myself so here's what I need:

5 Meezers who are interested in being on a panel of judges when the contest ends. If you are interested, please e-mail us. The first 5 meezers who e-mail us will be on the panel and the panel will be announced on Monday!


(Oh, if you don't hear back from us right away that is because Meowmy is out riding her horse this weekend. She never gets to go off of the farm so she's super excited. And if you would purr for her that would be great because I'd much prefer she come back in one piece!)

Meezer Panel:
1. Latte
2. Cheysuli

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Special Meezer Rule Wednesday Tribute

Hello fellow Meezers. In reading through the Meezer blogs this evening, I have discovered that today is the 2 year anniversary of Pebbles going to the Bridge. Pebbles was a beautiful Meezer that lived in Colorado with Dino and Egypt. She is the inspiration for Meezer Rule Wednesday. Please stop by and say hi to the gang at Cats Crossings and leave a message. - Sammy Meezer

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Good Morning fellow Meezers!! Can you believe it's already Meezer Rule Wednesday? WOW!! I am your host Sammy Meezer and I will be pointing you to the blogs of our fellow meezers who have posted rules for today!

First though, as always, here is MY rule:

Practicing your high flying routine in the middle of the night, with your human as your net is always fun. Especially when you get the big payoff for your dismount onto their stomach - the "OOF, STOP IT".

My little brother Miles has a rule about scarfing foods.

The lovely Princess Tara has a great rule about how to get blame placed on a sibling.

The beautiful diva Casey has a great rule about what should be on a beans 'puter.

MaoMao (Chairman Mao) has a really great rule about taking care of your mom.

Latte has a great rule about keeping your furs warm so that they don't get dark!

Baggy is supercat today over at Siamese and Oriental Cat Club!!

The cats at Krasota Castle give a great rule (and purrfekt pikshur) about being mouthy.

Baby Mao has a rule about appropriate halloween costumes!

HRH Yao-Lin gives us a great rule about the paparazzi that seem to plague all of us!

The lovely Caroline has a great rule about The Ones Who Came Before

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Halloween Contest!!

Meezers don't forget to enter yourselves (and family members) in Skeezix's Second Annual Halloween Contest ! You can have a costume on or even just a photoshopped picture, there are SO many wonderful categories this year sponsored by the fabulous Skeezix as well as other bloggers.

Simply Siamese is sponsoring the Best Meezer in Costume and Best Meezer Impersonation Category and we're donating prizes too. We have 3 meezers entered already, lets get some more. Believe me, I did not want to wear a costume so Meowmy Photoshopped me in as Super Meezer. The possibilities are endless. If you need any help with Photoshop or stuff like that Meowmy will offer her services as best she can. Just e-mail Simply Siamese (address at right) and it will get to her.


New Meezer Bloggers

Meezers Siamese & Oriental Cat Chat are our newest meezer bloggers! These are the cats who's humans are members of the SOCC forum and I have to say, when Meowmy wants a human to talk about cats with, this is the only place she goes! The humans are friendly, the cats are lovely and Yao-Lin will feel right at home as many of the members are from the Yoo-Kay! So go say hi to them and if your meezer loving humans want to talk about meezers and frootbats, this is THE place to go.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Meezer Monday

Feeling meezy? Let us know about it!

I am doing not so much in this swing season between summer and fall but I sure know how to look cute!

Have you heard Chairman Mao's big news? Wait until you hear!

Crazy Meezers are having a nice spring cleaning down in Australia. Sigh...I wish it was spring here!

Miles is 'barassed that his mom forgot her cable for her camera.

Cheysuli is posting her presidential rebuttals. She's got some great viewpoints!

Tara is trying to catch a humming bird!

Yao-Lin is finding it difficult to rest in quite an odd spot!

Baby Mao is taking Yao-Lin's rejects but he's OK with that because he's very easy going.

Fab Five had a rough weekend with busy humans.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

We are having a Category!

Simply Siamese is sponsoring a category for Skeezix's Halloween Contest! Meowmy is willing to donate prizes for the winners. We seemed to get a lot of positive feedback so we went ahead and told Skeezix. We changed the poll to what you would like to give as a prize(s).

We've decided to go with best meezer in a costume (real or Photoshopped) AND a special bonus gift pack for our friend with the best meezer impersonation! The prizes will be hand picked by me from Siamese Rescue to benefit Meezers in need.

And if you haven't started looking for your costume (or Photoshoped picture) start! This contest is a lot of fun!


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Greetings Fellow Siamese!! It is I, Sammy Meezer here for another Meezer Rule Wednesday!!

My typist will be at a Security Summit today, and will be unable to help me update until she gets home this evening. If Latte or Yao-lin would like to update, that is fine, otherwise I will update tonight.

To start us out, here is MY rule for today:

Always make shur that you know where the walls are when you are chasing flies.

at Casa Meezer, little brother Miles really needs to follow his own advice about what he drinks.

Tara has an awsome rule about making the humans feel guilty.

Latte has a great rule about ruining pikshurs!! My kind of rule!

Chariman Mao has a wonderful rule about caring for sick siblings.

Meezer Bun Fiona has a rule about directing the household traffic. Meezer Buns Rule!!

Our Meezer Russian Blues at Krasota Castle have a great rule about luck.
(on a side note, please send a purrrr up for Binky, 2 of her kittens ran off to the Bridge. She's still learning to be a mommy but is getting lots of help from Alexi and everyone else there. Purrs to you Binky!)

Junior has a rule about intruders - he has a big slidy door like me and he keeps catching intruders! (are they intruders or aliens?)

Toby has good advice about not getting caught with the flashy box.

Egypt and the poodins at Cat Crossings say: remember, mark your territory!

Caroline has a rule about my favorite subject ALIENS. although I think her aliens are different than my aliens.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Meezer Monday

Rabit-rabit my friends! That is something that my Meowmy learned as a child, if you say rabit-rabit first thing on the first day of the month you will have a good month. Rabits sound tasty to me!!

This is Baby Mao. He is a Tabby Point Meezer who lives in the Yoo-kay with his brother, HRH Yao-lin. Baby Mao stinks a bit of poo but that's OK because he's really cute. In this country he would be called a seal lynx point (like Kaze) but in the Yoo-kay things make more sense and he's just meezer. Baby Mao is a sweet little guy who recently turned one year old.

Sammy is giving his mom laser eyes for calling him names.

Cheysuli has a debate wrap up. Be sure to check out the debates at Skeezix's blog as we have two meezers in the running, Chey and Cato.

Latte's roofers are back this morning. Please come give me a snuggle because they're terrifying and loud and above the cat room today!

Kavan took over to play with a fun toy and the kitchen chairs.

Kimo is blue missing his dad who's been away.

Chairman Mao is asking for some purrs for the lovely Brainball (who appears to be doing much better!!)

Tobby is showing off an adorable kitten picture of himself!!

Tamra has a movie of herself attacking.

Yao-lin's slave ordered a statue to his liking! Quite exquisite.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Welcome fellow Meezers to Meezer Rule Wednesday!! Last week's pirate rules were wonderful and I am sure that this week's rules will be just as enjoyable!

Well, as luck would have it in the Meezer household, our Mommy is going away to a jobbie innerview this morning so we will not be able to update until tonight. Unless Latte or Yao-Lin or someone has time to do them. Please leave a comment and we will get them all entered.

To start things off, here is a timely rule:
When your human has an important business meeting or jobbie innerview, make shur that you leave some furs on their clothes while they are not looking. they always need reminders of how much we love them.

Over at my house, my brother Miles has figured out how he lost Meezer Mania and has a rule about it.

Latte has a wonderful rule about hunting.

Junior has an important rule for the cooler weather.

Chairman Mao has a rule about being nice to sisfurs. I'm glad I just haf a brofur.

The lovely Tara has a rule about purr-fection and wonderful artists!

our friend Toby has some great fashion advice!

our resident Meezer Diva, Casey has a great rule about posession of the human feets.

Annie our Russian Blue friend has a rule about being a mom cat.

Finoa Bun has a rule about all power cords being fair game and chomping on expensive clothes.

Yao-Lin has a great rule about playing mind games with your humans and making them think you want to run away.

Caroline has a THING in the bathroom, and a rule about how to approach it. OK, well, the THING is probably a new brofur!! YAY!!

Egypt, the force behind Meezer Rule Wednesday has sage advice about finding jewels.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Meezer Monday

This is the very beautiful and fashion forward Tara Princess Meezer. She lives with her little brother Kavan and gets to Out of Doors on walks a lot. She's a sweet applehead seal point who loves the color purple. Today she and her brother Kavan are busy defending their yard from strangers behind the fence!

~Latte, your host for Meezer Monday

had some nice porch time while his football team actually won!

Stella is showing off one of her beautiful babies on Mommy Meezer Monday.

Casey is being introspective and beautiful!

Cheysuli is getting ready for the presidential debates this weekend being hosted by Skeezix! This is important and we should all take part since we have multiple meezer candidates.

Chairman Mao is looking really cute. No seriously, I warn you know your humans will say Awwww!

Junior is greeting the cooler fall air.

Um Sammy? I don't know about the 'begetable thing. I mean, first of all their begitables and secondly I've never heard of that kind. I guess I get the dirt though.

Tobby is busy looking like a stuffed animal. I think I have to worry....Meowmy is really in love with snow shoes!

Storm has an award and does the Scatergories meme.

Thanks Skeezix for this beautiful picture. Lacy was a special friend of the cat blogsphere and while she didn't have her own blog, she really enjoyed many of ours. We will miss you.

Friday, September 21, 2007

2008 Catblogosphere Calendar

Hey efurryMeezer - don't forget to submit your pikshurs for the 2008 Catblogosphere calendar!! Here's the handy dandy submission form. Hopefully there will be a Meezer Month!!! Get your pikshurs in!!

Sammy Meezer

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pirate Rule Wednesday

AHOY Maties! It be Pirate Rule Wednesday and I am Sir Samuel Higgens, Esquire, your Lord and Master for today. ARRRR.

Leave me a comment with your Pirate, er, Meezer Rule and I will add you to the list.
Or, you could just walk the plank you skurvies.

Over at my house, Miles is going nuts but we managed to get him down to wearing only 1 eye patch

I see that Mao-Mao and my brofur are on the same page when it comes to getting attention in the kitchen.

Meezer Bun Fiona wants a nose rub!!! ye landlubbers better get over there and give her one!

Over at Chey's Place the fine Pirate lass has a very good rule about Pirate names.

Chey's husband Latte has a rule about pillaging for treasure!

Although Casey is not a pirate today, she does have a great rule about what to do when your siblings try and plunder your primo spot.

Tara is a most bonnie Pirate in her beautiful black outfit. OH, and she has a rule too - about treats and underwear drawers.

Honorary Meezers, our Russian Blue friends from Krasota Castle have a rule about the perils of dis-obeying!

Yao-lin be very stylish in his fine pirate garb - about which he has a rule.

The lovely Egypt gives us a great rule on marking.

Sweet Caroline is basking in the warm glow of a great rule.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Meezer Monday

Today we're going to celebrate Skeezix! His 3rd birthday was yesterday and he's such a special friend to so many of us and we have to be sure to make his birthday very special. If you don't know Skeezix....I think that's impossible...but if you don't, you're life will be changed by meeting him! ~Latte

Casey shows off one of her prized socks!

Tobby is ashamed of his typing skills, go over and encourage him!

Chairman Mao is head over heals for his sweetie pie!

Tara is showing off her talented drinking techniques.

Pyewacket is causing trouble as only a mini-meeze can!

Latte is basically just looking meezerly today. OK, sometimes I just love to show off my blue eyes!

Miles is working on his story on his Gizzy-Quilt.

Storm is celebrating a special anniversary today. It is 9 months after her diagnosis and she has now exceeded the expectations of her vet! Congrats Storm! Oh, and Castle gets in on Meezer Man Cat Monday.

Mao shows off the tortures of his trip to the VET with Rocky last week.

Cheysuli is looking tasty today!!

Junior is being manly and doing a meme.

Napoleon shows us a feral snowshoe that might be his daddy!

Cha-Ching shows off his first Meezer Monday! He's doing a good job by eating human food.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Meezer Tour of London

Storm's Meezer Tour

While Chey's humans were in London Chey went along to supervise and Storm showed her the sights. Storm has some grate photos of a bus full of meezers!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Meezer Rule Wednesday

Happy Meezer Rule Wednesday!

Sammy Meezer here again, your host for Meezer Rule Wednesday
Along with our regular rules this week, I am putting up a link to the Meezerosity test. Some of you may haf taken this test, others might not haf. I think it would be a fun thing if we all took it and posted our results in the comments (and if you don't mind, I would like to post them with your Meezer Rule Recap!

Oh, and here is my rule for today:

when your beans make that weird snorking noise in the middle of the night, make shur that they are ok by shoving your head as far into their mouths as you can.

Ok, have fun with the Meezerosity test!! I scored 9.7

Over at Casa Meezer, Miles has a video rule. or maybe just a rule and a video. Oh and Miles scored 9.1

Our wonderful friend Chairman Mao has a rule about sisfurs and pillows. Mao Mao scored 7.8, which is great because he doesn't haf a temper!

Poor Kavan had a rough day yesterday and ended up hoo-ha-less!! He discovered the great rule about demanding things after such an operation.

Our good friend Mao scored 8.5 on the test!! Great job!!
Toby, our wonderful snowshoe Meezer buddy, has a great rule about resting accomodations. He also scored 7.7 on the test - wonderful!!

The lovely Casey, our resident Meezer Diva, has a great rule about showing annoyance! She scored 7.9 on the test. We agree Casey, they should remove the part about temper (but then our scores would go down, Miles and I akshually do haf tempers).

Lux's sister Ninna scored a 7.9 - welcome to Meezerdom Ninna!!

We have a wonderful new Meezer friend Pyewacket, she's from The Land Down Under!! She left 2 rules in the comments - one about pouncing and the other about how to claim the beans food. Welcome to Simply Siamese Pyewacket! You have been added to our sidebar. Make shur to check us out on Meezer Mondays as well!

Latte scored 7.5 on the test (way to go!) and he has a great rule about looking cute - and boy does he look cute!!

Honorary Meezers, our Russian Blue friends at Krasota Castle have a rule about sleeping cats

Storm sweetie, even though you got a 6.8, you is NOT a mongrel or anything like that - you is true and pure Meezer wonderfulness.