Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Meezer Monday
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Meezer Monday
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
I hope that you have some awesome rules for today!
Here is my rule for today: When you haf siblings and your beans are occupied with their problems, this is the time for you to wreak LOTS of havoc in the house.
As always, leave a comment or a link!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Meezer Monday
Friday, December 12, 2008
Purr for Miles
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Here is my rule: In the spirit of the holiday season, when you do your christmas shopping, always get a little something for yourself too (you know, in case you get underwear or something bad like that).
As always, leave a comment or a link
Chey has some great business advice
Casey reminds us about babysitting (and she's RIGHT)
Tavi reminds us that we need to get information from other species
Ellie teaches some important rules to Ginger. good job!!!
Latte is all about thinking spring!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Dedication of Lights
I asked my Meowmy to sponsor Simply Siamese and she agreed. We will be making a donation in honor of Tiki, Dino, Storm, Caesar the friends we have lost in the past year. We donated $10 per friend and you can see the dedication here . If the page number changes just go to the "P" section (for our last name) and you'll see the Simply Siamese dedication.
If you would like to make your own dedication that is awesome! Simply go to the Dedication of Lights page and honor any other friends as we know we didn't just loose Meezers this past year, there were many many friends who remain in our hearts.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Meezer Monday
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today: Just when the beans think that you have reformed your naughty behaviors, start doing all of them again - only worse.
As always, leave a link or comment!
Chey is considering fashion advice
Tavi gives advice on how to look cute and sleep and NOT get waked up by the flashy box
There's an eye popping pikshur over at Krasota Castle
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Mine is - Make sure that your beans make a place for you AT the table so you don't have to get up ON the table to get your fair share of the food.
As always, leave a comment or a link! - Sammy Meezer
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Meezer Monday
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today is: when the beans haf to travel through the yuck and sludge make shur to give them lots of snuggles and stuff when they get home. it will get you lots of treats.
As always, leave a comment or a link! I can't wait to read your rules!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
The holidays are fast approaching, so we need to really get some good rules out there for us to learn about. Meezer World Domination is at hand!!!
Here's the rule for today: Always be prepared to shock the beans - and this is easily accomplished by doing something simple - like a minor change in your routine, or hollering into your food dish while you eat
As always, please leave a link or comment!
Ellie and Cory are trying to learn how to whap each other
Chey is letting it all hang out
Tavi has a great rule about housework (pay close attenshun MOM)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Meezer Monday
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today: You will always get older, but you can be immature forever. Example - if you keep running around the house like a kitten and jumping on the other cats, eventually your human will grumble - "aren't you ever going to grow up?". um. NO
As always, please leave a comment or a link!
In the spirit of the election season and exercising the right to vote, here is what we Meezers are exercising:
Merlin is exercising his right to eat dessert!
Casey is exercising her right to NOT share toys
Chey is exercising her right to nap (so she's pretty much NOT exercising.)
Tavi is exercising his right to make his mom's heart melt
Latte is exercising his right to NOT be a "moozer"
Baby Mao is exercising his right to.............um........... remember Guy Fawkes
our poor suffering royal meezer Yao-lin is exercising his poetry for Guy Fawkes too. (but we be Baby Mao prolly copied him)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Welcome Meezers- it's almost Halloween!! WOO HOO!!. Oh wait, I don't like Halloween, too many noises and people at my door.
My rule for today is: when your beans are sick, just 5 minutes of extra cuddling will get you treats.
As always, leave a comment or a link
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Meezer Monday
Do you know what my humans did "for fun" this weekend? They went to the VET!!?? I mean, thankfully without any of us but still. Apparently there was an Open House and they got a tour of the whole place which is ridiculous because I've toured it quite enough thank you very much.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
One rule for today is: voting in the Fall Contest and maybe leaving a donation to match ours and Latte's is a good thing. Thanks!!!
My other rule for today is: putting your cold wet paws on a sleeping face is 56 different kinds of fun. and you learn new werds too!
We have a new Meezer Rule poster this week - ELLIE!! and she loves veggies too!
Miss Pinky at Krasota Castle believes that kittens shoud have their own blogs. ::covers Billy's eyes::
Merlin has a rule about sharing laps
Casey has a rule about dealing with things you don't like
Chey is denying everything
Um, yeah, Latte's post is beyond words
Monday, October 20, 2008
Meezer Monday

When will Chey be done with this mess? Only a few more weeks now!
Tavi is giving a nice 'tocks shot.
Castle gives a lovely photo of Stormie's lovely toes.
Light Meezer Monday!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Call for Nominations
Hey efurryone!! I am issuing a call for nominations for who will benefit from the donations from the Simply Siamese Frisky Fall Contest. There will be a $2 donation per entry, and then during voting, we will open up the donations to anyone who wishes to help raise more money.
In the comments, please leave your suggestion for who to give the donations to. The winner and 2nd place will be decided by a drawing when the winners of the contest are announced.
The nominations can be for an individual kitty, woofie, bun or other critter in need, or a charity that helps animals. You can nominate more than one. There can be more than one nomination per kitty or charity as well.
I hope to see a lot of nominations. This post will stay up until October 14.
Sammy Meezer
Current Candidates 10/11/08:
Winn Foundation
Siamese Rescue VA
Siamese Rescue UK
Grr, Midnight, Cocoa's Gramma's backyard colony
Percy's Surgery
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Goodbye Dear Friend
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today: causing panic in the house by looking out the window, running around in circles and looking out the window again will keep the beans on their toes. and it makes them get off the couch and look out the slidy door every 45 seconds
As always, leave a link or a comment
Maggy has Meezer eyes for Halloween!
Merlin suggests we diversify our diets
Olivia and the kittens at Krasota Castle advise us to play THOE!!!
Latte, poor Latte, um, at least he has the nip nanner
We stand by Chey!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Meezer Monday
My Gamma says I'm very photogenic. Do you agree?
Cheysuli is looking very festive with her scary pider and pumpkin!
Kimo is having a squiggle fest.
Tiki & Tavi are having a nice fall nap.
Miles got HAM!!! (I don't like ham, Meowmy says I'm a weird meezer)
Baby Mao & Yao-Lin are sporting some great Fall fashions!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
my rule for today: Don't forget to enter the Fall Contest!!
Leave a link or comment!!!
Over at Krasota Castle, there is some issues with the humans disturbing comfy kitties
Chey gives advice on what to do when you come across scary stuff
Tiki and Tavi remember the importance of thanking the mom
Latte has pork in his garden
Baby Mao has a great rule about behavior when your blog is ignored
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Meezer Monday
Happy Monday everyone! I'm actually rather happy it is Monday because it was an exhausting weekend. I got to go Out of Doors and snuggled in warm laundry for a while. My favorite part of hte weekend was the Out of Doors time. I even purred and had blinky eyes while I was out there because it was just so much fun!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today: Get your entry up in the Simply Siamese Fall Contest!!! WOO HOO!!!!
We saw that the Tuxedo Gang wants to sponsor a category!! WAY TO GO TUXIES!!!!
Leave a link or a comment!
Merlin is showing off his artistic side
Tiki has a rule about getting flooids
Kimo warns of the evils of facebook for the beans
Chey is being helpful in Washington
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Meezer Monday
Happy Monday everyone!! Today is an exciting because we would like to announce officially our Frisky Fall Contest! Now not everything is completely but we're kicking off the contest that will run until October 15th. Please tell all of your friends as every critter can enter.
Chey has the latest news on her campaign.
Tiki & Tavi are really busy snuggling.
As are Merlin & Dragonheart.
Sammy & Miles have their exciting weekend report!
Castle is remembering Storm and giving us an update and great idea for Christmas cards!
HRH Yao-lin needs some assistance.
Its Sam's 9th birthday today!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Exciting Announcement
Does you all want a donation to a needy kitty? The Spring contest was for us when we was hafing bad money prollems. If you wants a donation, WHO do you want it to go to? If not, do you just want prizes with no donation or something in place of a donation to a needy kitty?
So, in the comments, please leave your vote like this:
Donation - YES or NO
If yes: Needy Kitty - name (like Mr Milky for example).
If no: other idea.
Next week we will have more details and the results of the voting.
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today:
standing on the human litterbox when the people have to use it makes for some very colorful language from the beans. And it's really fun.
As always, leave a link or a comment!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Meezer Monday
Castle is still trying to make friends with his new brother Timmy. It's going slowly but there is progress
Tiki and Tavi were kicking back this weekend helping their mom feel better
Merlin has a great movie!
and LOOK! a picture of the beautiful Ninna
Kimo is hanging out while the family and blurpy girl are away. with NO NIP
The lovely Sabrina (and her brothers Sam and Simon) are back after their parents went on a long weekend.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
So, my rule for today is - do everything you can to keep the beans awake all the time to serve your needs.
I can't wait for your rules!
Chey is going green
Latte is demanding fall air
The Krasota Castle cats are staring........
Merlin has another great rule about sharing.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
This is why our rules are so important - so that we all have the same knowledge. When total werld domination happens, no one will know what hit them!!
and speaking of not knowing that hit them, my rule for today is: when the humans are shopping for a cell phone, weight should be a factor. Thin small phones are great, but they are more apt to just fly off a night stand and hit a bean in the head.
As always, leave a comment or a link!
New Blogging Meezers!
Toulouse is blogging now, he's a big famous Catster kitty.
Castle has a new "friend" named Timmy. They aren't sure of each other yet but they're working on it.
And meet Dante a new friend adopted by our friends at Furry Paws.
OK, I think that's it. Wow, more meezer domination!!
Miles reminded us of Moe the Burmese!
And Victor another Burmese.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Meezer Monday
Something interesting will happen on Kimo's blog on Wednesday.
The Meezers certainly had a busy weekend!
Chey has her her paws filled with more specism.
Castle remembers storm and has noticed some strange smells...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
I hope you all have some great rules today!
Here's mine:
If you mistakenly come running when your human makes "sick or injured kitty meows" make sure that you get some treats for your embarassment.
As always leave a link or a comment!!!
Now that he's a mancat, Merlin has a rule about thanking others
The Meezer Bun can jingle bells any time she wants!
Chey is out to stop specie-ism
Tiki was not feeling well last night!!!!!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
I can't wait to see what you have for rules this week!!
My rule for today: shoving the kitten aside in order to get your fair share of foods is always ok.
As always, leave a link or a comment!
Merlin is the preventer of reading at his house!
'lando has his own rule about protecting the meezer bun
Gabrielle knows that it's important to be regal!
Tavi helps to make the bed while Tiki gets to be first to lay on it
Chey has put her foot down about the job situation at her house.
Chey's husband Latte has a rule about his pictures
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Meezer Monday
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Before I move on to the rules, I would like to remind you all that our very own Chairman Mao is getting married to the lovely Ariel on August 30 at 1pm. Please leave your well wishes posts on their wedding blog!!! Log into the blogger dashboard with the following information:
user ID: arielandmaowedding
password: concatulations
It's a Caribbean wedding, so wear your island clothes if you wish. You does not haf to.
Ok, on to the rules.
My rule for today is: Making sure that the last thing your beans see on the way out of the house in the morning to go day hunting is your sad little face. Then go take a nap or whap everything off the tables in the house until they come home. Then show them your sad face again.
As always, leave a comment or a link
Ayla never misses an opportunity for begging for treats!
Tiki and Tavi are singing that old song "Love the One You're With"
Merlin is flaunting his awesome tan lines
For Chey, if she doesn't want a rule, she doesn't have to have one.
the Krasota Castle kittens are practicing for the 2012 Olympics (caution: SQUEEEEEEE photo)
Fiona is nanners for nanners!!!!
Latte has the laser beams on for killing toys
Caroline is wondering if it's nip time
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Meezer Monday
Sorry I'm late updating! We had 800+ posts to read to catch up. Tomorrow we'll be up to normal commenting capacity!
Chairman Mao is in a box. What meezer doesn't like a box?
Cheysuli is dealing with rumors of running for VP. Pshaw, she's going to the top!
Kimo has a great sock drawer for napping.
Tiki is practicing "the look".
Tara's helping clean out the closets. Did you hear she's moving to the Mountain House?
Merlin has the coolest tan ever. Seriously, its SO cool! Oh, and he had a nice vacation.
Castle is remembering Storm and her cute nickname of Kormie.
Sammy is the master of disguise! And snuggling.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for this week is: whining and crying, even if it's babyish and not attractive, will get you whatever you want.
As always, leave a link or a comment!!
Chey has a great rule about revenge.
Molly at Krasota Castle is demonstrating good parenting techniques
Tavi knows who makes the real rules in his house
Monday, August 11, 2008
Meezer Monday
Leave a link or a comment!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today: always leave them wondering where the dirty paw prints came from. Especially if you're an indoor only kitty.
As always, leave a link or comment!
Chey has her first campaign ad!
Latte has a great rule about looking pathetic when the beans leave
Merlin has a rule about modeling for pictures
The gang at Krasota Castle have a great rule about Ham-mick space
Tiki has a great rule about holding his chin up
Ayla has a great rule about getting comfortable
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Meezer Monday
The Crazy Meezers have an awesome video! Its a must see.
Kimo is dealing with "da stink" on his dad's camera gear.
Tiki & Tavi have some fun pictures.
Merlin is playing with the bestest toy like effur (according to Kaze).
Castle is remembering Storm and her love of nature videos.
Miles gives the exciting update on their weekend.
Cheysuli's getting more bad press, this time because she's a meezer.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Dino Rule Wednesday
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Thank you
Sammy Meezer
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Meezer Monday!
Hi! Just checking stuff out....
Please go visit Dino's family - they have an announcement, and becuase of this there will be no Meezer Rule Wednesday this week. (posted by Sammy - now back to Latte and the rest of Meezer Monday)
Cheysuli is getting some press on her Friday wanderings.
Chairman Mao is really laying on the charm!
Kavan is deading the evil blanket monster!
Merlin's Dad is back and his mom did quite the amazing thing yesterday!
Miles has quite a busy day of watching his Mom ahead of him.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today is a very important rule! If you are on a table or windowsill or something, always know where your feets are - and keep them away from the edge. Failure to do so will lead to embarassment that no Meezer should ever have to endure.
As always, leave a comment or link!
Have a wonderful Meezer Rule Wednesday
SKITTLES is auctioning off a DKM made MEEZER SNUGGLE - please stop by her blog and check it out and please bid!! I mean, a MEEZER SNUGGLE!!!!!
Chey is smarter than her mom! (well, of course! she's a meezer and her mom is not!)
our favorite Meezer Bun Fiona is rockin' the Meezer 'tude awesomely this week! You go girl!!!
Latte reminds us to not make ourselfs look sillyTavi is NOT HAPPY
The Krasota Castle gang have a new job - weather forecaster
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Meezer Monday
What did you do this weekend my meezer friends?
Tara is working on getting her Monty Q down.
Kimo is bored.
As usual Sammy's "mom" is depriving him.
Merlin is hanging with Dragonheart.
Cheysuli is adding baseball to her many talents.
Castle is checking out some cool new gifts/toys.
Tiki & Tavi had a great weekend meeting bloggers! And they will soon have a new addition.
Yao-lin has all of the moves!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today: tickling the sleeping people with your tail is sure to bring hours of entertainment in an otherwise dreary night.
As always, leave a comment or a link!
Tara is preparing for bug whapping
Merlin is using Dragonheart for a pillow
The gang at Krasota Castle demand rewards for posing for the flashy box
Chey wants current pikshurs and reminds us to be nice to other species
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Meezer Monday
K so I have a question for you. Isn't it normal to try to cover a spot on the floor that was just bleached? Kind of like you'd cover in the box? And then its totally normal to roll around on the bleach spot, right? So why was my Meowmy laughing at me and calling me weird?
Big meezer news! Introducing Cato the Meezer- Manx! He's a cousin of the Meowers from Missouri. He doesn't blog but isn't he cute?

Cheysuli is miffed about voter's loyalty.
Kavan is eating tasty treats.
Merlin is exploring the great Out of Doors!
Sammy asks a silly question.
Castle remembers Storm on Mondays. Today its about her way of eating crunchies.
Toby is "cardboarding". I don't know either but it looks like fun!
Yao-Lin wonders again upon human stupidity.
Junior's mom isn't feeling well so she's at home with him and Orion.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Here is my rule for today: Sometimes, just being good will catch the people so off guard that they will keep asking you what's wrong.
As always, leave a comment or a link!!
Merlin says it's always ok to show your beans affection.
Chey reminds us to think of her today - she's having dental work done and we don't want her to lose her lovely teefs.
The cats at Krasota Castle are doing a wonderful job of driving the beans crazy with open the door requests.
Don't give bad nicknames to the Meezer Bun (you're very cute Fiona, but I agree, that nickname is awful)
Latte says to attack the things that smell like horsies.
Tiki and Tavi give pointers for sharing a ham-mick
Dino has the bestest rule ever!!!!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Meezer Monday
Um yeah...and also...Happy Blogoversary to Simply Siamese ahem....on June 13th. Human slackers- what are you going to do with them?
I have a sticky person friend. He's 4 and he's my human cousin. I love him lots as he's very gentle and we have the same color eyes. Whenever he comes over I hang around him and sometimes we pay tag. I guess sticky people aren't so bad after all. My Meowmy always expects me to dislike them but I really love them!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Purr for Junior
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Well, my rule for today is: changing channels on the talky box in the middle of the night is a good way to freak the people out. and give them weird dreams too.
As always, please leave a comment or a link!!!
Merlin has a great rule about modeling
Chey is all about the house trashing at Kimo and Sabi's house
DO NOT TOUCH the meezer. Oh Latte, will they never learn?
MaoMao has invented new kinds of tent fun!
A big welcome to Castle and his first ever Meezer Rule! and it's a good one about health!
Tiki is looking extra cute - and it pays well!
The cats at Krasota Castle are very musical!
The gang at Cat Crossings is doing more snoopervision
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Meezer Monday
Everyone's been busy! First of all check out Meezer-Hero Kimo!
Next we have some cute Meezer Kittens that Junior wants us to say hi to! Also Junior isn't feeling well, he's yakking and growling when his mom touches his belly.
Storm's Brother Castle now has a blog of his own!
Miles does a good job on summing up their weekend.
Chey has her hat back!
Tiki & Tavi are squeezing together.
Merlin went for a nice stroll.
Kavan takes on fast food and naps.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
I am just so happy with how many of you continue to participate - the more we learn the quicker we achieve total world domination!!!
So, here's my rule for today:
Being stealth is a good trait - it allows you to sneak into forbidden spaces, thereby making the humans wonder how the heck you got there.
As always, leave a link or a comment
At Krasota Castle, they're looking a little "pail"
Chairman Mao is looking inskr..........inscr...........like he's up to nothing!
Chey picked up a great endorsement
Latte is sunning himself
Merlin is just way too cute
Dino won't tell his secret word. Good Meezer
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Meezer Monday
Happy Monday fellow Meezers!! The start of yet another week is upon us. I sure hope this one is a good one.
Cheysuli is now taking a stand on reading! I think its a wonderful idea.
Kavan's playing with Mr. & Mrs. Magnet!
Merlin is hot! But as usual...adorable.
Sammy is exhausted from wedding planning! Who could blame him?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
It's a chilly and rainy Meezer Rule Wednesday here this week. Wasn't Meezer Color Day last week WONDERFUL!!!! Everyone looked so great with their colors!!
My rule for today: After a busy day of doing meezer things (like whapping), make sure you curl up with your human so that they will forget all the bad stuff you did (like whapping).
As always, leave a link or a comment!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Meezer Monday
Today I did take over our blog to post my anatomy of a stretch. I won't be able to update today so make sure you leave a linky!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Meezer Birthday Bash!
The Chatzy will bring you right into their house!. They will post the URL an password on our bloggie the day of the party.
Ayla's Blog
Friday, June 13, 2008
Until we meet again.......
Thursday, June 12, 2008
More of that Marketing Meezer!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Storm's Final Days

Storm is celebrating all of her wonderful amazing accomplishments before her final goodbye and goes to the Rainbow Bridge on Friday afternoon. Its a lucky day for her Mom's and we will always remember the date and smile for our amazing friend Storm. She wants us all to stay strong, so I'm trying for her, but its pretty hard.
This is one of my favorite memories of Storm- the day we all went on a tour of London with her! She was so fiesty, fun, creative, sweet, loving.....well there aren't enough adjectives. She truly was The Most Beautiful Siamese Cat in the World. A title which she won fair and square.

Don't worry Storm, we're going to take good care of Castle and your Mommies!!! We'll also all be purring for your safe crossing on Friday afternoon.
Meezer Color Day
Well I hopes that you all posted wonderful pictures of yourselfs wif your colors!!!!
Check out my blog for Miles and my colors!
Please leave your link or a comment below!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Sammy!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Happy Meezer Monday!
My Meowmy calls me a spoiled little rat. Well she called all of us spoiled as we got to stay inside in the cold blowy air while it was 100+ degrees Out of Doors. It was chilly in here so I decided to snuggle in the blanket while my Meowmy was passed out on the love seat panting like a woofie. Is it hots where you live? What's up with my Meezer Friends?
Don't forget that this Wednesday instead of Meezer Rules it is Show Your Meezer Colors! Find out more at the creator of Meezer Rules. As an example my above picture is perfect for showing off my meezer colors.
Cheysuli is going to have a dental soon from Georgia's homeopathic vet.
Kimo can't get any space to himself.
Merlin is having some toy domination.
Tavi had to meet a woofie yesterday.
Miles is taking a nap.
Mr. Echo has an update on Tony Stewart (he's a NASCAR driver) living with Meezers!! What a great reason to like "Smoke".
Yao-lin reports that Baby Mao is at the vets over night with an infection. You can tell how worried Yao-lin is....
Victor shows us his meezer friend the Siamese Fighting Fish!
Junior is showing us how nice a crinkle sack is to nap on.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Meezers in Marketing!

Inside they even had this very adorable Chocolate Point meezer draped over the model's shoulders. Just one more example of how we're taking over!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Don't forget, next Wednesday is Meezer Color Day!!!! Show us your colors!!!!
My Rule for today: Give Peace a chance.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Meezer Monday
Happy Meezer Monday everyone! I'm not sure what I would do if I couldn't get to post on Mondays. My weekend was filled with Meowmy snuggles and purrs and of course a lack of treats and food- as I'm sure you all can relate. As its Summer now my humans just don't hang around much in the house during the day. So what is a meezer supposed to do to entertain himself??
First of all....a VERY Happy Meezer Birthday to Sabrina! and Scout!!
Secondly, Storm's Mommie ran her race for Stormie!! You have to see the cool medal. Stormie is having ups and downs so lets all be sure to rally our support around our Fury Fighter!
Cheysuli is very busy breaking in a nice new rug. You know how hard it is to properly fur something new.
Tiki & Tavi are chilling at their Papa's while the move is complete.
Merlin is 9 months old today! Wow, he's bigger than me already. Maybe I won't try to wrassle him.
Uh-oh....Miles is in BIG TROUBLE.
Yao-lin & Stormie went on a date! Check out the amazing photos.
Junior is punishing his mom for half a weekend away and strange smells.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Ok, so here's my rule for today:
Keeping secrets is hard, but if anycat can do it, Meezers can!!!!
As always, leave a link or a comment!
Latte is all about the compromise today
Yao-lin is all about fooling his brother with snuggling
Chey has a rule about getting shot at.
Sweet Fiona has a new fort. and some rules about it
All the toys belong to me. OH, WAIT. All the toys belong to MERLIN! (but only the ones in Germany)
Where there's a nap, there's a way a Krasota Castle
Don't even THINK about mentioning the B-werd around Scout (b-a-t-h! EEK!) or she will hiss!
Tavi is taking advantage of the extra snuggle day
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
My rule for today is: always assist your moms (or dads) with cleaning by dumping water from your water dish onto the floor at every opportunity.
As always, leave a link or comment!! I look forward to reading all the rules
Latte is one vishus dude!!
Chey's rule is JOIN THE BLOGLBAST FOR PEACE!!! you should you know
Baby Mao also doesn't like to give up toys!! I wonder if he's as vishus as Latte
Tiki is using the dog bed. or doing laundry. no, meezers would never do laundry
Merlin is showing off some great graphics!
Evita at Krasota Castle is demanding all the comforts due her
Yao-lin gives advice on posing for pictures!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Meezer Monday
Mini-Meeze has always been one of my nick names. I guess because my big brother is so much bigger than me? I don't mind though because humans are rarely mad at me but easily mad at him. Since my family is now sharing a blog The Cats P I will be sharing my Meezer Monday posts here with all of you! This means more time for me and other meezers, of course. Meowmy promised me that this will help her be able to keep up with everyone else's monday posts. So please promise you'll come visit me here on Mondays!!
Cheysuli is being very selfless and giving up golfing.
Merlin is staring in a tunnel movie!
Kimo is holding a cool new contest, go check it out!! Jump & Shout
Tavi was a very helpful meezer brofur when Tiki hurted his tail.
Miles girlfriend Sanjee sent him some awesome gifties for his birthday!
Storm is back on chemo after her low white blood cell count last week. She's also getting her favored treatment but more importantly- chickhen!
Poor Yao-lin has no pictures of himself!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Purr for Cato!
UPDATE: Cato came through the surgery with flying colors. The vet feels that whatever the results of the pathology test, the mass was removed with clean margins. Now he must stay inside over night, which is a great trial. He is also having trouble eating. The pathology report is due on Tuesday. "Thank you for your concern about my health!"
Our good friend Cato is currently having some emergency surgery. His mom "took him in for a routine shot and the vet discovered a growth under his tongue. They are putting him under as I write and he should be able to go home by 5pm. The pathology report will take about three days. Best case scenario is that he has had an allergic reaction, given his history this is a good possibility. Worst case he has squamous cell cancer - fast and invasive. I am quite upset. Send some healing thought his way for the best case scenario."
Everyone send Cato healing purrs!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Here is mine: In the quest for total pillow domination, yakking on the pillow in the middle of the night is not the greatest idea. Kicking the beans in the head is a much better tactic.
As always, leave a comment or link!!!
Tavi warns about sleeping in cute positions
Scout is pulling out all the stops to reinforce to her mom that she is in charge, not the mom
Over at Krasota Castle the roses and the cats are lovely to look at
Merlin is 'vestigating the snacks
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Meezer Monday
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Here's mine:
Sometimes boycotting stinky goodness is not a good idea, if there is no backup stinky goodness in the house.
As always, leave a comment or a link!
Meezer Bun Fiona is snoopervising dinner prep (looks good Fi!)
Tavi has 2 rules!! One is about skritchs and the other is a rule about WHAPPING!! WHAPPING THE MOM!!! Tavi, you make me so happy!
Over at Krasota Castle there's a lot of snuggling going on!
Latte is on patrol! His neighborhood is now safe!
Chey is biding her time during the primaries. Smart decision Chey!
At Cat Crossings we are advised to take advantages of our priviliges
Storm says to be proud of our pedigree names
Ayla says Never nip the hand that give you nip
Caroline advises us to trust our instincts about our siblings
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Meezer Monday
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Knock Knock
Tiki & Tavi are holding a fund raiser for Mama Laura so post those jokes!!!
Knock- Knock
Who's there?
Simply Siamese.
Simply Siamese who?
Why, Simply Siamese the cats who are taking over the world!!
(OK, so I'm not that creative today but hey, I know everyone else is!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Meezer Rule Wednesday
Here's my rule for the day:
When the beans come home from werk, make sure that you position yourself by the door on your back and play "flat cat" - it will bring a smile to their faces and put you in purrfekt position for extra pets and lovings.
As always, please leave a comment or a link!
Tiki likes making the mom SQUEEE while Tavi is King of the box. Don't forget their "Knock Knock" contest tomorrow!!!!
Merlin is trying not to take silly quizzes to seriously. (BTW Merlin, Billy was Johnny Knoxville too - it must be a kitten thing. You will grow out of it)
Cheysuli gets tough when the tough get going. But I am not sure about the whole Fidel Castro thing.
The Krasota Castle gang have great pointers for posing (or not) for pictures.
Darling meezer bun Fiona is so cute I'd give her my treats. If she likes tem-tay-shuns. Her friend Archi Ann has a Dutchie bun rule!! BUNS RULE!!!
Latte advocates hogging all the toys. I am SOOOOOOOOOO in agreement with this rule.